
Sunday, May 5, 2013

How Music Affects Behavior

Music touches the emotional system in our brains, though slower than other parts of our brains it has an overwhelming power over all of the other parts. Teens sometimes interpret what they hear and act upon it in their daily lives. music catches their emotion thus leading to how they behave.

"Dr. Rich talks about how music can affect the limbic system of the brain, which is the seat of our emotions.  When fully engaged emotions can be very powerful, and can overwhelm the other brain functions such as rational thinking of the neocortex."

Dr. Rich gives the example of how music affected and helped to define a generation and the anti-war movement of the 60′s which shows a clear example on how music can affect our moods and attitudes. There has also been a lot of controversy on how Metal and Gangsta rap has an aggressive attitude effect on kids. 

Teenagers must be able to express their individuality and join in peer activities like they’ve always done. And at the same time adults need to engage with their children and help guide them where needed, in order to make sure their lives and important activities stay in balance.

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